Cooking with Herb by Cedella Marley


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Marley Natural is a premium product line crafted with a genuine respect for nature, all products in their range are responsibly sourced. They are inspired by Jamaica and are the official Bob Marley brand. I am starting to accumulate quite the collection of products from Marley Natural and they are by far one of my favourite brands for premium connoisseur level products. Beautiful trays, glass filter tips, crystal ashtrays, wooden storage boxes, hemp-based skincare and now cookbooks.


Not going to pretend that I am an expert on the Marley family, but I do know that there are a few of them out there making names for themselves. Cedella Marley is Bob Marley’s daughter and just like most of the Marley clan she is a massive advocate for cannabis, in particular the psychological and medicinal benefits of the plant.

As a singer she decided that smoking the herb was not as beneficial as other methods of (less harmful) ingestion and her journey began. Cedella Marley has created a beautiful and extremely informative lifestyle reference book for those of you that like to step out of the box and explore the healing benefits of medicinal marijuana safely and with pleasure!

TIP: This book is more than just recipes and incorporates a variety of ways to experience the herb to its greatest potential.


Holistic clean living is the philosophy behind the Marley Natural brand and as a former naturopath I stand with them in solidarity. Cannabis usage had long been maligned and vilified, but as a medicine it falls right in line with a holistic lifestyle. This book is for cannasseurs or the canna-curious and pretty much everyone in between!

I am flicking through the book as I type, and the recipes keep drawing me away! Infused or not these recipes are not your standard brownies, and I am going to try some out soon (Grilled Jerk Chicken will be first!). The beginning of this book covers pretty much all you need to know to get you started with step-by-step instructions on making canna oil, canna butter, hemp-based skincare or canna vanilla extract for desserts. Also featuring a very nice dosing calculator table for precise dosage.

I could really go on and on, but you would stop reading so I won’t. I will highly recommend this book for anyone wanting to take their journey with medicinal herbs seriously along with a dose of fun. Cedella Marley is the real deal and not an author who has just jumped on the latest bandwagon for fame/money in a booming industry. The Marley family legacy speaks for itself.


x1 Hard cover cookbook/lifestyle guide by the amazing Cedella Marley


  • Original recipes
  • Highly informative
  • Official Marley Natural Brand Product
  • Full colour photos
  • Holistic concept
Book Type

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